{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab360 {\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial} {\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman} {\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Verdana} {\f3\froman\fcharset2 Symbol} } {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; } {\info {\author Biblio}{\operator }{\title Biblio RTF Export}} \f1\fs24 \paperw11907\paperh16839 \pgncont\pgndec\pgnstarts1\pgnrestart Gurtner, Martin, Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Alternating direction method of multipliers-based distributed control for distributed manipulation by shaping physical force fields." \i The International Journal of Robotics Research\i0 (2023).\par \par Do, Loi, Milan Korda, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Controlled synchronization of coupled pendulums by Koopman Model Predictive Control." \i Control Engineering Practice\i0 139 (2023): 105629.\par \par Uchytil, Adam, and Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek. "\i Trajectory Optimization for Distributed Manipulation by Shaping a Physical Field\i0 ." In \i 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)\i0 , 10111-10117. London, 2023.\par \par Do, Loi, Kristof Pucejdl, and Zdenek Hurak. "\i Experimental Platform for Boundary Control of Mechanical Frenkel-Kontorova Model\i0 ." In \i 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)\i0 , 7618-7623. Vol. 8. Cancun, Mexico: IEEE, 2022.\par \par Do, Loi, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Synchronization in the Frenkel-Kontorova Model with Application to Control of Nanoscale Friction\i0 ." In \i 3rd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2021\i0 , edited by Yuh Yamashita. Vol. 54. Tokyo, Japan, 2021.\par \par Knotek, Stefan, Kristian Hengster-Movric, and Michael Sebek. "Distributed Estimation on Sensor Networks With Measurement Uncertainties." \i IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology\i0 29, no. 5 (2021): 1997-2011.\par \par Svoboda, Filip, Kristian Hengster-Movric, and Martin Hrom?\'edk. "Decentralized control for large scale systems with inherently coupled subsystems." \i Journal of Vibration and Control\i0 (2021).\par \par Obrusn\'edk, V\'edt, Ivo Herman, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Queue discharge-based emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption\i0 ." In \i IFAC-PapersOnLine\i0 , edited by Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek and Martin M\'f6nnigmann, 14997-15002. Vol. 53. Berlin, Germany: Elsevier, 2020.\par \par Mich\'e1lek, Tom\'e1?, Aude Bolopion, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael Gauthier. "Electrorotation of Arbitrarily Shaped Micro-Objects: Modeling and Experiments." \i IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics\i0 25, no. 2 (2020): 828-836.\par \par Do, Loi, Ivo Herman, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Onboard Model-based Prediction of Tram Braking Distance\i0 ." In \i IFAC-PapersOnLine\i0 , edited by Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek and Martin M\'f6nnigmann, 15047-15052. Vol. 53. Berlin, Germany: Elsevier, 2020.\par \par Knotek, ?tefan, Kristian Hengster?Movric, and Michael ?ebek. "Distributed adaptive consensus protocol with decaying gains." \i International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control\i0 30, no. 15 (2020): 6166-6188.\par \par Saikin, Diego A., Tomas Baca, Martin Gurtner, and Martin Saska. "Wildfire Fighting by Unmanned Aerial System Exploiting Its Time-Varying Mass." \i IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters\i0 5 (2020): 2674-2681.\par \par Mich\'e1lek, Tom\'e1?, Aude Bolopion, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Micha\'ebl Gauthier. "Control-oriented model of dielectrophoresis and electrorotation for arbitrarily shaped objects." \i Physical Review E\i0 991, no. 5 (2019): 053307.\par \par Zhang, Xueji, Kristian Hengster-Movric, Michael Sebek, Wim Desmet, and Cassio Faria. "Distributed Observer and Controller Design for Spatially Interconnected Systems." \i IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology\i0 27, no. 1 (2019): 1-13.\par \par Matou?, Josef, Adam Kollar?\'edk, Martin Gurtner, Tom\'e1? Mich\'e1lek, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Optimization-based Feedback Manipulation Through an Array of Ultrasonic Transducers\i0 ." In \i 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems MECHATRONICS 2019\i0 , edited by Lukasz Jadachowski, 483-488. Vol. 52. Vienna, Austria, 2019.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, and Michael ?ebek. "On the necessity of symmetric positional coupling for string stability." \i IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems\i0 5, no. 1 (2018): 45-54.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, Tom\'e1? Mich\'e1lek, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Phase-shift feedback control for dielectrophoretic micromanipulation." \i Lab on a Chip\i0 , no. 12 (2018): 1793-1801.\par \par Adib Yaghmaie, Farnaz, Kristian Hengster Movric, Frank L. Lewis, Rong Su, and Michael Sebek. "H?-output regulation of linear heterogeneous multiagent systems over switching graphs." \i International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control\i0 28, no. 13 (2018): 3852-3870.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed. \i Distributed manipulation by controlling force fields through arrays of actuators\i0 . Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018.\par \par Svoboda, Filip, Martin Hromcik, and Kristian Hengster-Movric. "\i Distributed State Feedback Control for Aeroelastic Morphing Wing Flutter Supression\i0 ." In \i 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)\i0 , 575-580. Zadar, Croatia: IEEE, 2018.\par \par Dolinsky, Kamil, and Sergej Celikovsky. "Application of the Method of Maximum Likelihood to Identification of Bipedal Walking Robots." \i IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology\i0 26, no. 4 (2017): 1500-1507.\par \par Mich\'e1lek, Tom\'e1?, and Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek. "Dipole and multipole models of dielectrophoresis for a non-negligible particle size: Simulations and experiments." \i Electrophoresis\i0 38, no. 11 (2017): 1419-1426 .\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael ?ebek. "Scaling in bidirectional platoons with dynamic controllers and proportional asymmetry." \i IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control\i0 62, no. 4 (2017): 2034-2040.\par \par L\'e1d, Martin, Ivo Herman, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Vehicular platooning experiments using autonomous slot cars\i0 ." In \i 20th IFAC World Congress\i0 . Toulouse, France, 2017.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, and Michael ?ebek. "A travelling wave approach to a multi-agent system with a path-graph topology." \i System and Control Letters\i0 99 (2017): 90-98.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Steffi Knorn, and Anders Ahl\'e9n. "Disturbance scaling in bidirectional vehicle platoons with different asymmetry in position and velocity coupling." \i Automatica\i0 82 (2017): 13-20.\par \par Gurtner, Martin, Kristian Hengster-Movric, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Green's function-based control-oriented modeling of electric field for dielectrophoresis." \i Journal of Applied Physics\i0 122, no. 5 (2017): 054903.\par \par Gurtner, Martin, and Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek. "\i Ball in double hoop: demonstration model for numerical optimal control\i0 ." In \i 20th IFAC World Congress\i0 , 2379-2384. Vol. 50. IFAC, 2017.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Time-optimal Control for Bilinear Nonnegative-in-control Systems: Application to Magnetic Manipulation\i0 ." In \i 20th IFAC World Congress\i0 , 16032-16039. Vol. 50. Toulouse, France, 2017.\par \par Knotek, Stefan, Kristian Hengster-Movric, and Michael Sebek. "\i Distributed adaptive consensus protocol with decaying gains on directed graphs\i0 ." In \i 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems\i0 . Tokyo, Japan, 2016.\par \par Herman, Ivo, and Michael Sebek. "\i Scaling of H-infinity Norm in Symmetric Bidirectional Platoons\i0 ." In \i 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys 2016)\i0 , 91-96. Tokio, Japan: IFAC, 2016.\par \par Knotek, Stefan. "\i Fully distributed adaptive consensus protocol with bounded gains\i0 ." In \i 20th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering\i0 . Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, and J. J. P. Veerman. "Transients of platoons with asymmetric and different Laplacians." \i Systems & Control Letters\i0 91 (2016): 28-35.\par \par Herman, Ivo, and Michael ?ebek. "\i Optimal distributed control with application to asymmetric vehicular platoons\i0 ." In \i 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)\i0 , 4340-4345. Las Vegas, USA: IEEE, 2016.\par \par Vyhlidal, Tomas, Martin Hromcik, Vladimir Kucera, and Milan Anderle. "On Feedback Architectures With Zero-Vibration Signal Shapers." \i IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control\i0 61, no. 8 (2016): 2049-2064.\par \par Gurtner, Martin, and Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek. "Twin-beam real-time position estimation of micro-objects in 3D." \i Measurement Science and Technology\i0 27, no. 12 (2016): 127003.\par \par Hengster-Movric, Kristian, Michael Sebek, and Sergej Celikovsky. "Structured Lyapunov functions for synchronization of identical affine-in-control agents?Unified approach." \i Journal of the Franklin Institute\i0 353, no. 14 (2016): 3457-3486.\par \par P?olka, Matej, Eva ?\'e1?ekov\'e1, Rush Robinett, Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd, and Michael ?ebek. "Bridging the gap between the linear and nonlinear predictive control: Adaptations for efficient building climate control." \i Control Engineering Practice\i0 53 (2016): 124-138.\par \par Zhang, Xueji, Kristian Hengster-Movric, and Michael Sebek. "\i Distributed observer and controller design for state-output decomposed systems\i0 ." In \i 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)\i0 , 450-455. Buenos Aires, Argentina: IEEE, 2016.\par \par Herman, Ivo. \i Scaling in vehicle platoons\i0 ., 2016.\par \par Movric, K. H., and M. Sebek. "\i Synchronizing Region Approach for Identical Linear Time-Invariant Agents\i0 ." In \i Control of Complex Systems - Theory and Applications\i0 , edited by Kyriakos Vamvoudakis and Sarangapani Jagannathan, 519-548. -: Elsevier, 2016.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, J. J. P. Veerman, and Michael ?ebek. "\i Stability of a Circular System with Multiple Asymmetric Laplacians\i0 ." In \i 5th IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys)\i0 , 162-167. Philadelphia, PA, USA: IFAC, 2015.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, and Michael ?ebek. "\i Travelling waves in a multi-agent system with general graph topology\i0 ." In \i 5th IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys)\i0 , 82-87. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2015.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, Tom\'e1? Mich\'e1lek, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Feedback control for noise-aided parallel micromanipulation of several particles using dielectrophoresis." \i Electrophoresis\i0 36, no. 13 (2015): 1451-1458.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Franti?ek Foret. "On benchmark problems, challenges and competitions in electrokinetics - A review." \i Electrophoresis\i0 36, no. 13 (2015): 1429-1431.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Martin Hrom?\'edk, Ivo Herman, Tom\'e1? Vyhl\'eddal, and Michael ?ebek. "\i On zero-vibration signal shapers and a wave-absorbing controller for a chain of multi-agent dynamical systems\i0 ." Linz, Austria, 2015.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael ?ebek. "Nonzero bound on Fiedler eigenvalue causes exponential growth of H-infinity norm of vehicular platoon." \i IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control\i0 60, no. 8 (2015): 2248-2253 .\par \par Hengster-Movric, Kristian, Frank L. Lewis, Michael ?ebek, and Tom\'e1? Vyhl\'eddal. "Cooperative synchronization control for agents with control delays: A synchronizing region approach." \i Journal of the Franklin Institute\i0 352, no. 5 (2015): 2002-2028.\par \par Hengster-Movric, Kristian, Frank L. Lewis, and Michael Sebek. "Distributed static output-feedback control for state synchronization in networks of identical LTI systems." \i Automatica\i0 53 (2015): 282-290.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed. "Od kuli?ek k bu?k\'e1m: ?\'edzen\'ed pro distribuovanou (mikro)manipulaci." \i Technicall\i0 , no. 1 (2015): 32-33.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, and Michael ?ebek. \i Transfer functions in consensus systems with higher-order dynamics and external inputs\i0 In \i submitted\i0 ., 2015.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k. \i Traveling waves and scattering in control of chains\i0 ., 2015.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael Sebek. "\i Harmonic instability of asymmetric bidirectional control of a vehicular platoon\i0 ." In \i American Control Conference (ACC) 2014\i0 . Portland, Oregon, 2014.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael ?ebek. "\i Refinement of a bidirectional platooning controller by wave absorption at the leader\i0 ." In \i 2014 European Control Conference (ECC)\i0 , 2845-2850 . Strasbourg, France, 2014.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, Jakub Drs, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Dielectrophoretic actuation strategy for micromanipulation along complex trajectories\i0 ." In \i IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics\i0 . Besancon, France: IEEE RAS, 2014.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael ?ebek. "Wave-absorbing vehicular platoon controller." \i European Journal of Control\i0 20 (2014): 237-248.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Ivo Herman, and Michael ?ebek. "\i Two-sided wave-absorbing control of a heterogenous vehicular platoon\i0 ." In \i 19th IFAC World Congress\i0 , 8091-8096. Cape Town, South Africa, 2014.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, and Michael Sebek. "\i Zeros of transfer functions in networked control with higher-order dynamics\i0 ." In \i 19th IFAC World Congress\i0 , 9177-9182. Cape Town, South Africa, 2014.\par \par Movric, Kristian Hengster, and Frank L. Lewis. "Cooperative Optimal Control for Multi-Agent Systems on Directed Graph Topologies." \i IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control\i0 59, no. 3 (2014): 769-774.\par \par ?ez\'e1?, Martin. \i Inertial stabilization, estimation and visual servoing for aerial surveillance\i0 ., 2014.\par \par Basova, Evgenie, Jakub Drs, Zdenek Hurak, Frantisek Foret, and Ji?\'ed Zem\'e1nek. "\i Integrated microfluidic device for droplet manipulation\i0 ." In \i CECE - International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis\i0 , s291-s293. Brno, Hotel Continental, 2013.\par \par Augusta, Petr, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Distributed stabilisation of spatially invariant systems: positive polynomial approach." \i Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing\i0 24, no. 1 (2013): 3-21.\par \par Ucun, Levent, and Jan Sal\'e1?ek. "HOSIDF-based feedforward friction compensation in low-velocity motion control systems." \i Mechatronics\i0 24, no. 2 (2013): 118-127.\par \par Hoskovcov\'e1, Martina, Olga Ulmanov\'e1, Otakar ?prdl\'edk, Tom\'e1? Sieger, Jana Nov\'e1kov\'e1, Robert Jech, and Ev?en R??i?ka. "Disorders of Balance and Gait in Essential Tremor Are Associated with Midline Tremor and Age." \i The Cerebellum\i0 12, no. 1 (2013): 27-34.\par \par ?ez\'e1?, Martin, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Structured MIMO H-infinity Design for Dual-Stage Inertial Stabilization: Case Study for HIFOO and Hinfstruct." \i IFAC Mechatronics\i0 23, no. 8 (2013): 1084-1093.\par \par V\'e1clavek, Pavel, Petr Blaha, and Ivo Herman. "AC Drive Observability Analysis." \i Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on\i0 60 (2013): 3047-3059.\par \par Herman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Michael ?ebek. "\i PDdE-based analysis of vehicular platoons with spatio-temporal decoupling\i0 ." In \i 4th IFAC NecSys Workshop\i0 . Koblenz, Germany, 2013.\par \par Hengster-Movric, Kristian, Keyou You, Frank L. Lewis, and Lihua Xie. "Synchronization of discrete-time multi-agent systems on graphs using Riccati design." \i Automatica\i0 49, no. 2 (2013): 414-423.\par \par Servagent, No\'ebl, Brahim K. Jawad, St\'e9phane Bouvier, Fr\'e9d\'e9ric Boyer, Alexis Girin, Francesco Gomez, Vincent Lebastard, and Pol B. Gossiaux. "Electrolocation Sensors in Conducting Water Bio-Inspired by Electric Fish." \i IEEE Sensors Journal\i0 (2013).\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Martin ?ez\'e1?. "Image-based pointing and tracking for inertially stabilized airborne camera platform." \i IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology\i0 20, no. 5 (2012): 1146-1159 .\par \par Herman, Ivo, and Pavel Vaclavek. "\i Load torque and moment of inertia observability analysis for alternating current drive sensorless control\i0 ." In \i IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society\i0 . Montreal, 2012.\par \par Martinec, Dan, Michael ?ebek, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Vehicular platooning experiments with racing slot cars\i0 ." In \i 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control \i0 . Dubrovnik, Croatia: IEEE, 2012.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Feedback linearization approach to distributed feedback manipulation\i0 ." In \i 2012 American Control Conference (ACC) \i0 , 991-996. Montr\'e9al, Canada: American Automatic Control Council (AACC), 2012.\par \par Dolinsk\'fd, Kamil, and Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd. "\i Kalman Filter under Nonlinear System Transformations\i0 ." In \i 2012 American Control Conference (ACC)\i0 . Montr\'e9al, Canada: American Automatic Control Council (AACC), 2012.\par \par Nov\'e1kov\'e1, J., M. Hrom?\'edk, and R. Jech. "Dynamic Causal Modeling and subspace identification methods." \i Biomedical Signal Processing and Control\i0 7, no. 4 (2012): 365-370.\par \par Boyer, Fr\'e9d\'e9ric, Gossiaux, Pol B, Jawad, Brahim K, Lebastard, Vincent, and Porez, Mathieu. "Model of a sensor inspired by electric fish." \i IEEE Transactions in Robotics\i0 28 (2012): 492-505.\par \par Hengster-Movric, Kristian, and Frank Lewis. "Cooperative observers and regulators for discrete-time multiagent systems." \i International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control\i0 23, no. 14 (2012): 1545-1562.\par \par Dolinsk\'fd, Kamil, and Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd. "Adaptive Nonlinear Tracking for Robotic Walking." \i Cybernetics and Physics\i0 1, no. 1 (2012): 28-35.\par \par ?prdl\'edk, Otakar. \i Detection and Estimation of Human Movement Using Inertial Sensors: Applications in Neurology\i0 ., 2012.\par \par ?ebek, Michael, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i 2-D Polynomial Approach to Control of Leader Following Vehicular Platoons\i0 ." In \i 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)\i0 . Milano, Italy: Elsevier, 2011.\par \par ?ez\'e1?, Martin, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Structured MIMO H-Infinity Design for Dual-Stage Inertial Stabilization: Case Study for HIFOO\i0 ." In \i 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)\i0 . Milano, Italy, 2011.\par \par Martinec, Dan, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Vehicular platooning experiments with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT\i0 ." In \i 2011 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA)\i0 . Denver, USA, 2011.\par \par Uhr\'edkov\'e1, Zdenka, Otakar ?prdl\'edk, Martina Hoskovcov\'e1, Arno?t Kom\'e1rek, Olga Ulmanov\'e1, V\'e1clav Hlav\'e1?, Chris D. Nugent, and Ev?en R??i?ka. "Validation of a new tool for automatic assessment of tremor frequency from video recordings." \i Journal of Neuroscience Methods\i0 198, no. 1 (2011): 110-113.\par \par ?prdl\'edk, Otakar, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, Martina Hoskovcov\'e1, Olga Ulmanov\'e1, and Ev?en R??i?ka. "Tremor analysis by decomposition of acceleration into gravity and inertial acceleration using inertial measurement unit." \i Biomedical Signal Processing and Control\i0 6, no. 3 (2011): 269-279.\par \par ?piller, Martin, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "Hybrid charge control for stick?slip piezoelectric actuators." \i Mechatronics\i0 21, no. 1 (2011): 100-108.\par \par Lebastard, Vincent, Christine Chevallereau, Amrouche Ali, Brahim K. Jawad, Girin Alexis, Fr\'e9d\'e9ric Boyer, and Pol B. Gossiaux. "\i Underwater robot navigation around a sphere using electrolocation sense and Kalman filter\i0 ." IEEE IROS, Taipei, China, 2010.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Yves Bellouard. "\i Modeling and simulation, design and fabrication, instrumentation and control for dielectrophoresis\i0 ." In \i 25th International Symposium on Microscale BioSeparations MSB 2010\i0 , 118. Vol. 1. Prague, Czech Republic: \'dastav analytick\'e9 chemie AV ?R, v. v. i., 2010.\par \par Cichy, B., P. Augusta, E. Rogers, K. Ga?kowski, and Z. Hur\'e1k. "Robust control of distributed parameter mechanical systems using a multidimensional systems approach." \i Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences\i0 58, no. 1 (2010): 67-75.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Martin ?ez\'e1?. "\i Delay compensation in a dual-rate cascade visual servomechanism\i0 ." In \i Proceedings of 2010 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)\i0 , 1639-1643. Atlanta, GA, USA: IEEE, 2010.\par \par Jawad, Brahim K, Pol B. Gossiaux, Fr\'e9d\'e9ric Boyer, Vincent Lebastard, Francesco Gomez, No\'ebl Servagent, St\'e9phane Bouvier, Alexis Girin, and Mathieu Porez. "\i Sensor model for the navigation of underwater vehicles by the electric sense\i0 ." IEEE ROBIO, Tianjin, China, 2010.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Martin ?ez\'e1?. "\i Control design for image tracking with an inertially stabilized airborne camera platform\i0 ." In \i Proc. SPIE Automatic Target Recognition XX; Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXIV; and Optical Pattern Recognition XXI\i0 . Vol. 7696. Orlando, Florida, USA: SPIE, 2010.\par \par ?ez\'e1?, Martin, and Zden?k Hur\'e1k. "\i Low-cost inertial estimation unit based on extended Kalman filtering\i0 ." In \i Proc. SPIE Automatic Target Recognition XX; Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Laser Systems Technologies XXIV; and Optical Pattern Recognition XXI\i0 . Vol. 7696. Orlando, Florida, USA : SPIE, 2010.\par \par ?ez\'e1?, Martin, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Yves Bellouard. "\i Towards planar micromanipulators based on dielectric elastomers in thickness mode\i0 ." In \i Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on New Actuators\i0 , 901-904. Bremen, Germany: WFB Wirtschaftsf\'f6rderung Bremen GmbH, Division Messe Bremen, 2010.\par \par Anderle, Milan, Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd, Didier Henrion, and Ji?\'ed Zikmund. "Advanced LMI based analysis and design for Acrobot walking." \i International Journal of Control\i0 83, no. 8 (2010): 1641-1652.\par \par Anderle, Milan, Sergej ?elikovsk\'fd, Didier Henrion, and Ji?\'ed Zikmund. "Advanced LMI based analysis and design for Acrobot walking." \i International Journal of Control\i0 83, no. 8 (2010): 1641-1652.\par \par Kujan, Petr, Martin Hrom?\'edk, and Michael ?ebek. "Complete Fast Analytical Solution of the Optimal Odd Single-Phase Multilevel Problem." \i IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electroncis\i0 57, no. 7 (2010): 2382-2397 .\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Martin ?ez\'e1?. "\i Combined line-of-sight inertial stabilization and visual tracking: application to an airborne camera platform\i0 ." In \i Proceedings of the 2009 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference\i0 , 8458-8463. Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2009.\par \par Kujan, Petr, Martin Hrom?\'edk, and Michael ?ebek. "Effective solution of a linear system with Chebyshev coefficients." \i Integral Transforms and Special Functions\i0 20, no. 8 (2009): 619-628.\par \par Zem\'e1nek, Ji?\'ed. \i Noncontact parallel manipulation with micro- and mesoscale objects using dielectrophoresis\i0 . Prague, Czech Republic: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2009.\par \par Cichy, Blazej, Petr Augusta, Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Galkowski, and Zdenek Hurak. "On the control of distributed parameter systems using a multidimensional systems setting." \i Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing\i0 22, no. 7 (2008): 1566-1581.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, Martin Hrom?\'edk, Martin ?ez\'e1?, Jaroslav ?oha, Pavel Krsek, V\'e1clav Hlav\'e1?, Tom\'e1? Pajdla, and Milan Barto?. "Inerci\'e1ln? stabilizovan\'e1 kamerov\'e1 z\'e1kladna pro bezpilotn\'ed letoun ." \i Automa\i0 -, no. 10 (2008): 27-31.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, Martin Hrom?\'edk, and Martin ?piller. "Minimization of l2 norm of the error signal in posicast input command shaping: a polynomial approach." \i International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control\i0 17, no. 8 (2007): 706-719.\par \par Hrom?\'edk, Martin, and Michael ?ebek. "Numerical algorithms for polynomial plus/minus factorization." \i International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control\i0 17, no. 8 (2007): 786-802.\par \par Hurak, Zdenek, Albrecht B\'f6ttcher, and Michael Sebek. "Minimum Distance to the Range of a Banded Lower Triangular Toeplitz Operator in l1 and Application in l1-Optimal Control." \i SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization\i0 45, no. 1 (2006): 107-122.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k, and Albrecht Bo?ttcher. "\i MIMO l1-optimal control via block Toeplitz operators\i0 ." In \i Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)\i0 . Leuven, 2004.\par \par Erm, Toomas, Zden?k Hur\'e1k, and Bertrand Bauvir. "\i Time to go H-??\i0 " In \i Advanced Software, Control, and Communication Systems for Astronomy\i0 , edited by Hilton Lewis and Gianni Raffi, 68-78. Proceedings of SPIE ed. Vol. 5496. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom: SPIE, 2004.\par \par Hur\'e1k, Zden?k. \i l1 optimal control - a polynomial approach\i0 In \i Faculty of Electrical Engineering\i0 . Czech Technical University in Prague, 2004.\par \par }