Five students members of AA4CC team graduated, two awarded Dean's Award

However difficult the spring/summer semester 2020 was, all the final-year student members of AA4CC team have successfuly graduated. Congratulations to

Bc. Dominik Hodan, who worked on Reinforcement learning for manipulation of collections of objects using physical force fields,

Ing. Petr Hrych, who worked on Real-time estimation of some physical parameters of trams relevant for onboard prediction of braking distance,

Ing. Dan Šuster, who worked on Visual tracking and trajectory optimization for dielectrophoretic manipulation 

Ing. Josef Matouš, who worked on AcouMan — Acoustophoretic Manipulation Platform , and

Ing. Lukáš Černý, who worked on Algorithms for advanced motion control using permanent magnet synchronous motors and brushless DC motors.

Double congratulations to Dominik Hodan and Josef Matouš for having been awarded Dean's Award for Excellent Thesis.