Zdeněk Hurák interviewed on flipped learning

The fact that some of our courses within Cybernetics and robotics program, namely Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems (MSD, taught in Czech) and Optimal and robust control (ORR, taught in English), are being transformed into a flipped learning format has recently attracted some attention of journalists. Apparently, application of this teaching method is still not quite common in higher education in Czechia. A short interview with a journalist Vojtěch Koval from by Český rozhlas Radiožurnál is at https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/prednaska-doma-a-domaci-ukoly-ve-skole-metoda-prevracene-vyuky-ukazuje-kudy-muze-7646382 [the interview is in Czech, though].

Image: Screenshot of a video-lecture from the course on "Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems"
Image: Zdeněk Hurák teching Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems